Continuous Delivery Pipelines

How to Build Better Software Faster

eBook, 100 pages

Langue : English

Publié 31 mai 2021 par Leanpub.

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This practical handbook provides a step-by-step guide for you to get the best Continuous Delivery Pipeline for your software. Written by Dave Farley - the inventor of the Continuous Delivery Deployment Pipeline and author of the award-winning book "Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation”. Dave Farley shares his advice and experience in this essential handbook on how to build, use and improve your Continuous Delivery Pipeline. This books explains what a Continuous Delivery Deployment Pipeline is, the key components and stages, including: Technical Testing, Acceptance Testing, Automation, Version Control and Infrastructure as Code. It also includes examples of world-class pipeline practice, and tips for improving your Deployment Pipelines. If you want to create Better Software Faster, then you need Continuous Delivery, and at the heart of Continuous Delivery is the Deployment Pipeline. You may already have a Deployment Pipeline, or be thinking about building your …

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