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George R.R. Martin, Lisa Tuttle: Windhaven (2000, GOLLANCZ)

paperback, 320 pages

Publié 9 novembre 2000 par GOLLANCZ.

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3 étoiles (1 critique)

George R. R. Martin has thrilled a generation of readers with his epic works of the imagination, most recently the critically acclaimed New York Times bestselling saga told in the novels A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, and A Storm of Swords. Lisa Tuttle has won acclaim from fans of science fiction, horror, and fantasy alike -- most recently for her haunting novel The Pillow Friend. Now together they gift readers with this classic tale of a brilliantly rendered world of ironbound tradition, where a rebellious soul seeks to prove the power of a dream.The planet of Windhaven was not originally a home to humans, but it became one following the crash of a colony starship. It is a world of small islands, harsh weather, and monster-infested seas. Communication among the scattered settlements was virtually impossible until the discovery that, thanks to light gravity and a dense atmosphere, …

16 éditions

Review of 'Elle qui chevauche les tempêtes' on 'Goodreads'

3 étoiles

Un roman poétique et sympathique co-écrite par Lisa Tuttle et George R.R. Martin, l'auteur de l'immense saga du Trône de Fer. Dans un univers dominé par une caste d'hommes qui utilisent des ailes pour voyager dans les airs, les deux auteurs nous parlent d'initiation, de discrimination, de jalousie, et du temps qui passe. J'en garde un très bon souvenir, celui d'un roman de fantasy différent de la masse à laquelle nous sommes habitués.