The Case Against Free Speech: The First Amendment, Fascism, and the Future of Dissent

Publié 23 avril 2019 par Bold Type Books.

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5 étoiles (1 critique)

A hard-hitting expose that shines a light on the powerful conservative forces that have waged a multi-decade battle to hijack the meaning of free speech--and how we can reclaim it. There's a critical debate taking place over one of our most treasured rights: free speech. We argue about whether it's at risk, whether college students fear it, whether neo-Nazis deserve it, and whether the government is adequately upholding it. But as P. E. Moskowitz provocatively shows in The Case Against Free Speech , the term has been defined and redefined to suit those in power, and in recent years, it has been captured by the Right to push their agenda. What's more, our investment in the First Amendment obscures an uncomfortable truth: free speech is impossible in an unequal society where a few corporations and the ultra-wealthy bankroll political movements, millions of voters are disenfranchised, and our government routinely silences …

1 édition


5 étoiles

I can't say enough good things about this book. The writing is searing, forcing you to give a fuck about this stuff even if you're like, of course we need free speech in a dEmoCracY lol. I am super bad at reviewing books as anyone on here who follows me can likely attest but this is an amazing accomplishment and you should read it nowweww. It took me two days to get through it and that last chapter about the convergence of big tech and surveillance and IF is just 🔥🔥🔥. I am 100% using it in class next semester. Damn. I wish I had something substantive to say about this book other than read it, fuckos, but I'm hungry and tired so sorrryyyyy. Only complaint: no mention of libraries in here.