Weaving the web

the past, present and future of the world wide web by its inventor

Livre relié, 272 pages

Langue : English

Publié 9 avril 2000 par Texere.

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2 étoiles (1 critique)

The history and original design of the World Wide Web by its creator

5 éditions

a publié une critique de Weaving the Web par Tim Berners-Lee

A complex story told too simply

2 étoiles

While it's nice to read the story of the origins of the WWW, the voice of the ghostwriter is very strong here. Berners Lee is great at crediting his colleagues, and how it was not him, but a team that developed the protocols and technologies that led to the web, but there is a tension with the need to have a 'heroes journey' narrative here, which fills the book with contradiction. Each chapter tells a little bit of something interesting, but overall the book is a bit too Hollywood to enjoy.


  • World Wide Web.