Editions of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Hardcover, 652 pages
English language
Published June 21, 2005 by Arthur A. Levine Books.
- 978-0-439-78454-2
- OCLC Number:
- 474747476
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
paperback, 652 pages
English language
Published July 25, 2006 by Scholastic Paperbacks.
- 978-0-439-78596-9
- OCLC Number:
- 70666878
Harry Potter y el misterio del príncipe
Paperback, 602 pages
Spanish language
Published Jan. 9, 2006 by Salamandra.
- 978-84-7888-996-9
- OCLC Number:
- 64445215
Harry Potter und der Halbblutprinz
Paperback, 656 pages
German language
Published Oct. 30, 2010 by Carlsen.
- 978-3-551-35406-8
- OCLC Number:
- 607562503
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Hardcover, 607 pages
English language
Published Jan. 9, 2005 by Raincoast Books.
- 978-1-55192-760-2
- OCLC Number:
- 57714007
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Hardcover, 831 pages
English language
Published Jan. 9, 2005 by Thorndike Press.
- 978-0-7862-7745-2
- OCLC Number:
- 61279179
Harry Potter et le prince de sang-mêlé
Paperback, 751 pages
French language
Published Jan. 9, 2005 by Gallimard Jeunesse.
- 978-2-07-057764-4
- OCLC Number:
- 174478957
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Hardcover, 652 pages
English language
Published July 9, 2005 by Arthur A. Levine Books / Scholastic.
- OCLC Number:
- 957271922
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Audio CD
English language
Published Oct. 30, 2005 by HNP / Bloomsbury.
- 978-0-7475-8325-7
- OCLC Number:
- 808659078
Harry Potter y el misterio del principe
Hardcover, 602 pages
Spanish language
Published Feb. 28, 2006 by Lectorum Publications.
- 978-84-7888-993-8
- OCLC Number:
- 1004905247
Harry Potter Et Le Prince De Sang-mêlé
paperback, 752 pages
Published Nov. 15, 2017 by Gallimard.
- 978-2-07-058522-9
Harry Potter et le Sang Mele
Paperback, 750 pages
French language
Published Oct. 15, 2006 by French & European Pubns.
- 978-0-7859-3319-9
Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince
608 pages
English language
Published Jan. 9, 2005 by Bloomsbury.
- 978-0-7475-8108-6
हैरी पॉटर और हाफ़ ब्लड प्रिंस
570 pages
Hindi language
Published Jan. 9, 2008 by Mañjula Pabliśiṅga Hāusa, Distributed by Full Circle Pub..
- 978-81-8322-074-3
- OCLC Number:
- 949650846
Harry Potter und der Halbblutprinz
655 pages
German language
Published Jan. 9, 2005 by Carlsen.
- 978-3-551-56666-9
- OCLC Number:
- 62081459
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