Livres recommandés par Pablo Rauzy Public

Created by Bob

Cette liste a l'air super intéressante (et j'aime l'idée de partager des livres coups de coeur)

  1. The campus trilogy by 

    No rating

    "David Lodge's three delightfully sophisticated campus novels, now gathered together for the first time in the U.S. in one volume, …

  2. The Cuckoo's Egg by 

    5 stars

    Before the Internet became widely known as a global tool for terrorists, one perceptive U.S. citizen recognized its ominous potential. …

  3. Free Culture by 

    No rating

    Lessig details the history of copyright law as it pertains to digital media, how it has affected creativity and expression …

  4. Free Software, Free Society by 

    No rating

    The intersection of ethics, law, business and computer software is the subject of these essays and speeches by MacArthur Foundation …

  5. Garlic, garlic, garlic by 

    No rating

    A comprehensive cookbook offers an array of two hundred outstanding garlic recipes, explores garlic's medicinal benefits and the myths associated …

  6. Le Génie des alpages L'intégrale 1 by 

    No rating

    Première intégrale de la série du génial F'murr, disparu il y a tout juste un an, ce volume regroupe les …

  7. The Hacker Crackdown by 

    No rating

    The bestselling cyberpunk author “has produced by far the most stylish report from the computer outlaw culture since Steven Levy’s …

  8. Hackers & Painters by 

    No rating

    "The computer world is like an intellectual Wild West, in which you can shoot anyone you wish with your ideas, …

  9. Hackerlar by ,

    5 stars

    Today, technology is cool. Owning the most powerful computer, the latest high-tech gadget, and the whizziest website is a status …

  10. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality by 

    4 stars

    In this alternative version of J.K. Rowling's famous tale, Petunia Evans marries the biochemist Michael Verres. The couple adopts her …

  11. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by  (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy #1)

    4 stars

    Seconds before the Earth is demolished to make way for a galactic freeway, Arthur Dent is plucked off the planet …

  12. Invasion of Privacy by  (Brody Taylor Thriller Series, #2)

    No rating

    Your private life is streamed live to a global audience. But no one told you about the cameras hidden in …

  13. The Limits of Mathematics by 

    No rating

    As a teenager, Greg created independently of Kolmogorov and Solomonoff, what we call today algorithmic information theory, a sub­ ject …

  14. Little Brother by 

    3 stars

    Seventeen year old Marcus and his friends are in the wrong place at the wrong time during a major terrorist …

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