Xexoxial Editions Public

Created and curated by wakest

Books published and or distributed by Xexoxial Editions

  1. Phrex Brain by 

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    "Very visual somewhat verbal self-portrait of the artist as documentor."

  2. SEARCHIX by 

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  3. MORES by 

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  4. Ancestor Dragon Buddha Bean by , , , and 1 other

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    An afternoon's improvisation on the photocopier gave us a good feel for the humungous variety of the bean world ..... …

  5. Anthology Spidertangle by , , , and 50 others

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    Work by Brian Zimmer, KS Ernst, Grace Vadja, Derek White, Reed Altemus, PR Primeau, David Chikhladze, Matthew Stolte, John M …

  6. Ice or Eve Romis by 

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    Verbal collage disguised as ancient tabloids, with a story of 3 timeless artists disguised as the tabloid's translation.

    Can also …

  7. Libraries From Ancient Kindergarten, Step Between by 

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    Hand-sewn, printed on lined school-paper. Subtle associations between words, pictures, ideas & symbols flare into a primer of new reading. …

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