J. S. Dewes: The Last Watch (Paperback, 2021, Tor Books) 4 étoiles

The Divide.

It’s the edge of the universe.

Now it’s collapsing—and taking everyone and everything …

Good military SF with a very forward story

3 étoiles

Nothing really memorable, but a good page turner nonetheless. The “military” themes are subverted quite a bit, so we avoid the worst types of copaganda that are normally present in military science fiction.

One character is woefully out of place in his new environment but knows how to do everything, he carries the plot ; one is the grizzled veteran plagued with doubt about her capacity to carry her duty ; then there’s the crew of “specialist” misfits without much depth… thankfully the pacing of the action is good, and the setting and main concepts are interesting. I wonder how the rest of series will go on, but I’m not on the edge of my seat waiting for it.