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Genzaburō Yoshino, Bruno Navasky, Neil Gaiman: How Do You Live? (2021, Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill) 5 étoiles

First published in 1937, Genzaburō Yoshino’s How Do You Live? has long been acknowledged in …

That is why I think the first, most basic step in these matters is to start with the moments of real feeling in your life, when your heart is truly moved, and to think about the meaning of those. The things that you feel most deeply, from the very bottom of your heart, will never deceive you in the slightest. And so at all times, in all things, whatever feelings you may have, consider these carefully.

If you do this, then someday, somewhere, a unique, once-in-a-lifetime experience will leave a deep impression on you, and you will come to understand something that has a meaning that is not just limited to that one moment. That thought will be an idea that is truly your own.

To put it a slightly more difficult way, you must make a habit of thinking honestly, with your own experience as a foundation, and-Copper, this is very important!—if some one fakes this part, no matter what kind of great-sounding things they think or say, they are all lies in the end.

How Do You Live? by , ,

Moving passage. I think we sometimes forget how much our intuitions and deepest feelings can guide us well if we only listen.

#books #bookstodon #Japan #yanovel

started reading How Do You Live? by Neil Gaiman

Genzaburō Yoshino, Bruno Navasky, Neil Gaiman: How Do You Live? (2021, Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill) 5 étoiles

First published in 1937, Genzaburō Yoshino’s How Do You Live? has long been acknowledged in …