Reviews and Comments

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I'm currently the coordinator of the #SFFBookClub so a lot of what I'm reading is suggestions from there.

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Becky Chambers: A Closed and Common Orbit (Paperback, 2017, Hodder & Stoughton) 5 étoiles

Once, Lovelace had eyes and ears everywhere. She was a ship's artificial intelligence system - …

made me cry more than once

5 étoiles

I absolutely adored this book. I realise that part of this is that it was a perfect little escape while I was stuck at home with covid, but I do also think it's really wonderful.

It has some similar strengths to the first in the series, in that it's mostly about the relationships between a few outcast characters that become a chosen family and just happen to be in space. But if anything I think it's better written (I guess Chambers getting into her stride with book 2), and benefits from being a more focussed story of a smaller number of characters. And has some weightier things to say about embodiment, the tension between fitting in and freedom, and loyalty & reciprocity.

I am excited about the rest of the series.

Nicola Griffith: Ammonite (EBook, 2002, Del Rey) 4 étoiles

Change or die: the only options available on the Durallium Company-owned planet GP. The planet's …


4 étoiles

Content warning Ammonite (whole book)

Richard I'Anson: Lonely Planet Travel Photography (Paperback, 2004, Lonely Planet Publications) 4 étoiles

Review of 'Lonely Planet Travel Photography' on 'LibraryThing'

4 étoiles

Useful manual. Fairly concise, but with enough information to still be helpful to people like me, who know the basic technical stuff pretty well but have plenty to learn about composition and material. Not much of it is actually specific to "travel", but then why would taking a picture of some other city be magically different from taking one of where I live?