
Real One

Paperback, 208 pages

Publié 2 février 2021 par DC Comics.

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5 étoiles (1 critique)

"Nubia has always been a little bit...different. As a baby she showcased Amazonian-like strength by pushing over a tree to rescue her neighbor’s cat. But, despite having similar abilities, the world has no problem telling her that she’s no Wonder Woman. And even if she was, they wouldn’t want her. Every time she comes to the rescue, she’s reminded of how people see her; as a threat. Her Moms do their best to keep her safe, but Nubia can’t deny the fire within her, even if she’s a little awkward about it sometimes. Even if it means people assume the worst. When Nubia’s best friend, Quisha, is threatened by a boy who thinks he owns the town, Nubia will risk it all—her safety, her home, and her crush on that cute kid in English class—to become the hero society tells her she isn’t. From the witty and powerful voice behind …

1 edition

A heavy book, but a great one

5 étoiles

Content warning Police Shooting (Black) People; Predatory guy, Racism (no n-word); School Shooting; Queerphobia; (Minor) Sexual Violence,