The Steerswoman

Mass Market Paperback, 279 pages

English language

Published Aug. 13, 1989 by Del Rey.

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4 stars (4 reviews)

The Steerswoman is the first novel in the Steerswoman series. Steerswomen, and a very few Steersmen, are members of an order dedicated to discovering and disseminating knowledge. Although they are foremost navigators of the high seas, Steerswomen are also explorers and cartographers upon land as well as sea. With one exception, they are pledged to always answer any question put to them with as truthful a response as is possible within their own limitations. However, they also require anyone of whom they ask questions to respond in the same manner, upon penalty of the Steerswomen's ban; those under the ban do not receive answers from the steerswomen.

2 editions

A quite brilliant introduction to something very very original

4 stars

So, take a few fantasy tropes (wizards, dragons, barbarians...), twist them a bit (two smart women travelling together, one of them a barbarian), add an interesting take on magic and knowledge and who has it and shares it -- or not, and you would have already a pretty interesting novel. But the author adds a deeper layer with hints and unsettling details, and a few more obvious clues near the end, and suddenly you're not entirely sure what story you've been reading. I think I'll get on the three following books, because I've grown very curious about how it will all be explained. So no, there won't be a lot of answers at the end of this one, which is frustrating. But it's a quite brilliant introduction to something very very original.

promising start and pace

4 stars

Content warning for some reason the slow steady conceptual reveal here wants to be hidden, but no plot spoilers


  • Fantasy - General
  • Science Fiction - General
  • Fiction / Science Fiction / General
  • American First Novelists
  • American Science Fiction And Fantasy
  • Fiction - Fantasy
  • Science Fiction